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My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do to express my artistic voice.


For me, filmmaking is about creating an emotional exchange with an audience, plain and simple. People watch movies to feel something, to experience something, and to not have their time wasted in the process. With this thinking in mind, it is the job of the filmmaker to provide that experience but in their own nuanced way. This has been the basis of my filmmaking journey; to create work that both satisfies my creative ambition and evokes an emotional response from viewers. I aim to create work that fulfills what I would want to see as an audience member because that is where the connection between art and the audience begins. Whether the response might be fear, excitement, joy, or dread, these are what bind the audience and the artist through their film. Some filmmakers try and stick to something they know works, something safe, something they've seen work a million times before, but I simply refuse to work that way. I don't want to be tied down to making my art one way and so I'm committed to making work that is fresh, exciting, and representative of the things I want to say to those who give my work the time of day. While I might still be in the infancy of expressing my voice, I'm committed to honing my skills, fleshing out my style, and making myself heard through the medium of film.
Artist Statement,
Synopsis, & Treatment
for "NECRO"
Look Book

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